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MPD Ethernet CARDS and wireless AP solu學業tion
The release date:2013/4/20 17:32:雪樂13

 MPD Ethenet car都公d and wireless AP solutio店風n

   &nb哥如sp;     Eth讀動ernet is the most widely us要還ed standard of communicat南西ion agreement adopte為見d  by local area network at pres也術ent. It was built up in the ear校多ly 70s.Ethernet is票路 a norm of LAN 匠窗; whose transmission 子討speed is 10 Mbps. In t老唱he Ethernet, all the computers a習分re connected to  a c黑高oaxial cable   , the met腦子hod of multiaccess by co嗎為llsion detection and carrier sensing ,什購besides, competion mechanism 不劇and bus topology相空 structure is applied. Ethernet co厭視nsists of shared media, twisted-pair呢新 cable or coaxial cable, multi-port hu我醫b,network bridge and switc雨道h board. In the star s慢中tructure or the bus configuration st年人ructure, the multi-port hub 件化, switch board or network bridge ma國但ke computers ,printers問鐵 and working stand匠這 connect with one another .

   &n上樹bsp;   One product called s站農oft Ap is very common in the 文科wireless product舞地s market. Soft AP is the abbreviation 票師of Soft-AP. Its hardware part i讀和s a standard wireless adapter. Ho拿下wever,siignal switching and 媽刀routing function is offered by its driv山朋ing

program. Compared w道購ith traditional AP , its cost在歌 is very low and function is OK.

   We make a bri唱靜ef introduction of soft AP not to total如到ly repudiate or eu窗老logize it. As a new concep船對t product, its existance h村來as its own reasonablity. A熱船lthough common wireless card拍花 has the same functions ,but it can 頻答not be denied that soft AP has 作做covenience of i紅體ts own.Tradional network manufa分一ctures is not optimistic abou店話t the soft AP ,thou工水gh, it does not mean that they照來 want to srike it down at one stroke. 請紙As a mature consumer, we shou白金ld be more reasonble.

    In a w事姐ord, the product of soft AP術醫 provides the naive users and t民黑he users pay more atte商到ntion to the price小討 with an alternative. It is quite n音會ecessary that the soft AP do more ha著刀rd work in the substi舊來tute seats if it want to receive warm 上影welcome by the consumers.

  &n店影bsp;  事如; 
