The design tendency of mobile t紙冷erminal APP mos有南t being wor街站th of attention this yea筆低r
&n歌你bsp; &nb科冷sp; 什低  爸鐵; No matter how much di草公spute about mobile web p一謝age and APP there is , th好中e unavoidable fact is that the mobile 自線terminal APP is developing v城男ery quickly , which has resulte窗姐d in the truth 輛些 that various customer terminals都時 research ,development and&nb影是sp;accessing have be答間come normal state . The users ar見影e always looking fo公黃rward to the managemen物對t to launch customer termin到為al for their favo看購rite brand and servic見家e . This kind of 市朋expectation and need友器 has given early 錢友birth to more and more AP風子P .
&nb對市sp; 是雨  雪歌; APP 會放is the abbreviation form for匠窗 English word Application . Due to 習樂the popularity of the 拍間APP in iphone smart phon路習e, at present APP refe輛技rs to the ap書樂plying program of the third party .&n請費bsp;Nowadays there are compara男區tively famous APP stores su什請ch as the Ap樹民p store in APP ITune s北海tore , Android s G離公oogle Play Store , 看得Nokia s ovi store , and Blackberry 南裡s Blackberry App Wo中鐵rld etc.
 歌去; &房校nbsp; &nbs外作p; The APP format of行木 APP have ipa , 動雪pxl and deb . The 影訊APP format of Go離內ogle Android syst白大em is APK ,Nokias S60 format having si湖話s and sisx城舞 .
&nbs一快p; &nbs靜和p; &nb計用sp; In the very begi腦商nning , APP participated in the comme來見rcial activities on the inte中匠rnet only in the&女坐nbsp; cooperating form of third party a畫街pplication. With the more and m風民ore popularity of the 有男internet , APP are wi數關nning more and more favor from int花師ernet tycoons as a mode&nb務門sp;being born with iphone子呢 which gains profit , 又暗;such as the research and d月她evelopment platform o雪間f Tencent micro blog&nbs空個p;and the applying platform of 腦請Baidu etc are all the detailed e車對mbody of APP thought個離 . On one side , they can中要 gather various kind of web ac刀得cepter ; on the o遠高ther side ,they ca答頻n acquire flow with the子空 aid of APP platform to acquire筆花 flow , w這車hich includes mass flow and di志湖rected flow .
Nowadays in物城 the mainstream 跳機APP version t務刀here are :
1、Android 讀在system version Android
2、Apple system version iOS在的
3、Symbian system version &是厭nbsp;Symbian
4、Micosoft windowsphone 聽北
&nb紅舊sp; &n爸請bsp; &n了姐bsp; &n裡木bsp; &nbs湖小p; With the popularity o會媽f mobile terminal device such as sm道美art phone and ipad, people are acc友店ustomed to making use of APP customer 工子terminal to access the line , 雪購while the do物說mestic big online 雪民retailers all ha門在ve their own customer ter票來minals, which shows that the comme冷木rcial application of APP飛報 customer terminal門光 has already begun to年月 display its own talent . 西可
線日 &nb去的sp; 書謝 &林火nbsp;
&nb你如sp;  窗鐘; &nb時麗sp; 志南 APP is坐短 not as simple as a cu物報stomer terminal in mobile device . Now到男 , on many devices the user can店作 download the manufacture新地rs official APP softwar訊笑e to realize wireless controlling vari區女ous kinds of produ樂飛cts.
&n匠小bsp; &人她nbsp; &nbs師們p; &n低熱bsp; &場但nbsp; In fact , the research o高的f APP analysis research inst來商itutions show t喝也hat the length of ti相什me users spend 科中on smart phone and tablet i熱資s 158 minutes , of which 127 min藍司utes is spent on the various APP 費雜, and only 31 minutes i科近s spent on browsing the web page . Fo日作r the time being , we do not explore 了舞whether this fi風街gure is applicable to章線 different countries and region看錯s, but the overa地鄉ll trend is that users demand is more 線海and more . If developers an聽農d vendors can not provid電事e the users with APP or bette地吧r experience , user loss is inevit信吧able .
&術一nbsp;  科醫; &n費什bsp; &nbs是費p; &北森nbsp; &nb窗弟sp; From smart phone to t如道ablet PCs and even some r銀路elated intelligent equipment花得 , we can clearly observe 從見in them involves rapid gro到西wth of APP in function, design and the美離 potential . On the user side , in ad來樂dition to the requirements for the線城 user experience 長用, APP is needed to provide en多身ough influence , en相照hance concern degree and allow users t還冷o gradually become consumers in the 街下true sense . Therefore , to s國刀um up some of the pre林道dictable design trends , for the好女 APP product, designers are o用朋f extraordinary significance . Then光水 we can come together 看笑to see what APP design trend is notewo水著rthy of being paid attent唱地ion to .
Focus on the user exp花空erience
近長 事數 火路 &知森nbsp;  街暗; Although the growt吃市h of wearable devices is t河近emporarily slowed 商但, it is still firmly go雪要ing forward. Data shows that within自和 the scope of the worl行又d , every 10 smart p司城hone users have 裡你one wearable device. The 腦樂rapid expansion 慢但of mobile equipment allows the users d河工emand for user experience becomes more雪裡 and more . One of the most important土弟 need is to have a personalized user 愛文experience .The gro媽笑wth in the job of e中家xperience designers is predictable 時低. Even being apa用術rt from product 間市design , development ,marketing , UT 作問designers and&nb章懂sp;other related jobs,user experience &森請nbsp; even may become an懂都 independent busine商刀ss and a completely 她說independent direction of ca得鐘reer development .&nb問拍sp;
&nbs行資p; &nbs看頻p;  那現; &n微科bsp; &n窗如bsp; It is this dem也光and and cognition that makes consid信兒erable part of the APP designer北報s and developers費子 focus on fewer ke歌數y function and provide frequen國風t updates to suppl費技y growth type and gradually optimized u關風ser experience . It is in such a backg場事round , advertisement within app身就lication of excellent experien農商ce and highly un紅得ique efficient naviga器外tion pattern begi空小n to appear.&nbs輛費p;
Simple navigation mode
&n地山bsp;  飛黃; &nbs湖些p; &nbs不得p; 內黃  是年; Users pre劇月fer simple navig票有ation mode , clear layo美照ut ,clean interface 腦從,therefore , A暗明PP design cheerful and pl近長easing to the eye are currently the use音哥rs most favorite and anticipating 土麗things . Compared with the g民路orgeous and flowery menu des紙空ign ,simple menu and side are more in快話 line with the tr年歌end .
&n票鐵bsp; &nb鐵靜sp; &nbs務微p;  筆少; &nbs兒就p; In fact , this is not下見 unreasonable . There are mor事門e and more APP with complex 吃輛design . Uses cost of learning a n南拍ew APP is increasing d低下ay by day . If yo美花u paid attention to our elder generatio做開ns attitude towards APP use , yo車明u will understand師水 the learning to use 是冷the APP is really t物工rue and shameful stat愛腦us . Simple intuitive and弟器 convenient design can make it easier 用民for users to find what they need 日風. Therefore , simpl科市e navigation mod知頻e has more relaxed ,stable and 都兒smooth , friend大土ly and infinite rol能爸ling magic spell . 微了For the mobile terminal APP design , th可問is prediction is actually very 子的bold , but considering the design機匠 elements of collocati中得on , big picture 筆嗎and refreshing modern typeface ,船好 designers will gradually favor this ki習討nd of design techn木少ique . However , if the user is unable微員 to switch from one 微森page to another page , wit和動h the aide of navigation , he may beco海高me annoyed because of spendi們老ng too much time .This mayb他市e is the demerit which 身飛the infinite rolling page has brought 到城about to the users .
The magic spell of infinit媽舞e rolling
 聽對; &nbs弟花p; &歌慢nbsp; &n微短bsp; 制笑 &n喝厭bsp; For the 煙南mobile terminal APP design , this pre城師diction is actuall麗子y very bold , but consid厭你ering the design elements of colloc東鄉ation , big picture and ref分靜reshing modern typeface , designers w計技ill gradually favor this kind of de對會sign technique . However , if the 吃秒user is unable to switch fro門刀m one page to another page , wit湖愛h the aid of navigatio議月n , he may become annoyed because音書 of spending too much time吧她 . These are the demerits which 商就the infinite rol開如ling page has brought about to工西 the users.
The use of bold and st這內riking typeface
&nbs歌業p; &懂冷nbsp;  影件; 你那 &nb銀購sp;  體朋; &什有nbsp; Each APP長畫 is trying to compete 友答for user s attention , while the 見厭use of striking typeface 車對satisfies the demand . Under關廠 the current market situation , large s術科creen mobile phone and ta為冷blet are the mainstream . This is小來 a very important 間民background . Th綠文e presence of big typeface on the mo市又bile APP ends brings 弟紅about ranks to inte火喝rface and raise the visual weig討朋ht of specific elements , w作妹hich makes it difficult for the鄉事 users to forget big enough ,elegan黃草t enough , unique enough and fit en體用ough typeface to 湖店 enhance the新器 pages temperament 河音and characteristics .This is another 麗冷important opportunity for APP des子到ign .
More simple color collocatio近弟n
&n一線bsp; &nb站能sp;  厭謝;  討子; &nb吧報sp; &nb東水sp; 他玩  說科; The beauty of simp車從licity is the most 農樂popular design ide算草as in recent years . The mos厭商t simple color scheme also 間制fit this idea . With the new ios筆問 system , neon colors , whos聽藍e influence has been watered門好 down , becomes 好生popular . Users now 一亮like the subtle and rich t山飛exture colors , so neat好議 and clean are pressing土火 down gorgeous and flamboyant機吧 color collocati木對on trend .
User interface situation aware些跳ness
 自子; &n子刀bsp; &nb信也sp;  下吃; 森遠 &nb裡答sp; Situa大訊tion awareness is to make APP di輛廠stinguish the occasion and st空南ate of APP bein錯女g used and 新船have influence on the u習女ser based on the informa公冷tion .The APP with situation awarene話生ss function can di白什stinguish the current state accor費件ding to the current backg站自round information such as users p微少osition , identity , activity a近農nd time , and gi朋日ve reasonable feedback . 日微When having lunch , you open a m來制ap class servic讀信e , you need not make a search身服 and it will provide yo在相u with the information of current 麗裡position and surrounding cate對服ring class information. With the de來短velopment of APP design an少村d market demand , situation 火離awareness will become a sustainable and司數 gradually prospero器體us development di頻身rection .
Quasi materialization regression
From Microsoft to Apple , Google 南公walks further and further away o現山n the way of removi新都ng quasi material地南ized direction .The design of 空老quasi materialized design seems to 請問have become the syno影農nymous of age . Ho藍靜wever , flat 2.0你煙 began to introduce many quasi 答計materialized eleme校舞nts , making the 兒數difference between the two not so o也習bvious . The metaphor for paper in mate河師rial design is drawing close to quas那用i materialized trend . In the futur紅亮e , we will see more quasi materiali男技zed design , whethe訊下r the never outdated w放道ind of restoring a就好ncient ways , or the媽外 mobile terminal s 廠機being flourish again&門個nbsp; in details and 白聽texture awarene務少ss . Quasi m她有aterialization is moderately物喝 and timely gradually returni風去ng .
The markup of social media
&nb子哥sp; 票機 &nb呢好sp; &nbs雨技p; &n區了bsp; &nb工冷sp; 森訊 F對相riends often going shopping個空 are very clear about th做靜e fact that the users comment has動煙 great impact o姐西n customers purchase intention . 公飛A product , which is p購路ropagandized on twitter may笑暗 bring great benefits to a mer麗有chant . These are no doubt the 綠飛impact of social med答快ia . The deep combination between 友新social media and APP may brin男匠g huge impact . W用內hether in China o拍我r outside China , the integr妹購ation of social media a你坐nd APP is continuing to push forwa下劇rd .
Sustainable development o近鄉f wearable devices
&n木海bsp; &nbs兒們p; 林物 &nbs紙也p; &n煙鄉bsp; Th在上e popularity of wearable devices 好又seems to be slow數跳ing down , but m分農anufacturers are still firmly go報行ing toward the direction . Subd嗎什ivision begins to appear in p頻離roducts while  自土;more more and more users appear in ma她筆rket segmentation. In 西算fact , more and more we湖快arable devices 筆慢corresponding to但年 the mobile terminal APP and their信行 function service is also 身子more and more co我裡mplete .For the 電民designers and manufacturers , this計花 is the next big thing which p體照eople can not mis分票s .
The rise of interactive design
 報還; &nbs動計p; &靜開nbsp; &錯分nbsp; &nbs日但p; &nbs文弟p; &n森物bsp; &n風林bsp;  道身; Mobile terminal A能車PP concentrates o子件n the users needs . Anoth章腦er performance is interactive 船線design , so as designer麗去s and developers , t低懂hey naturally have obligation to pro女習vide more excellent inte請動raction design , stronger visual desig上黑n and more innovative archi和信tecture .
&n計嗎bsp; &nb也對sp; &n區自bsp; &街男nbsp; 費音 T會煙o sum up , the trend appe厭通aring this year 遠煙and the popularity fading away船大 should not deviate fro她去m the above discussion too far . 問為