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The Chinese chip market in yea事學r 2015
The release date:2015/12/31 15:46:秒玩35
   The Chi能店nese chip market in ye厭都ar 2015

       &nb近輛sp;  &nbs林冷p;   北日   Spreadtrum recently h厭懂as  released the 4務朋G chip SC9430A, whose product roadmap 在站depicts in next ye店工ar it  will launch LTE p船鐵roducts made by 16nmFin Fei technology湖他. It is  estimated that&影民nbsp; in the second half of&工綠nbsp; this year  Taijidian s 16nm 就件Fin FET will realize 道去mass production&業校nbsp; , while Huawei and Haisi&n坐市bsp; also will launch LTE技照 chip produced&答鄉nbsp; in the the火物 process  The two enterprises are&生化nbsp; undoubtedly&nbs下對p; the leading two at看懂 present in Chinas mobile phone chip 物生enterprises , Spreadtr市快um strongpoint is  in marketi家些ng, while the advantage of 又湖; Huawei  and Hai Si lie但窗s in technology.

    &nb制我sp;    &n鄉她bsp;   &nbs月算p; Early in the微場 2G era , Sprea見了drum tried to grab the market shar們術e in the  way of unltra low c購吧ost , three modes說農 and three standbys&n物子bsp; and other characteri老民stics from the hands of 你歌Media Tek . In 3G era ,機高 Spreadrum main著金ly focuses its attention on T海鐵D-SCDMA . At that time , there in the m視書arket at that time were Union Core 見們, MARVELL and T3睡小G etc . Then the perf友厭ormance of MARVELLs chip was good and 請湖was used by mobile phone enterpris說北es in high end market 這那. Smartphone launched by famous dom開高estic smart-phone e件白nterprises mostly adopt MARVELL ch海你ip .Spreadrums products are matu校子re and low priced , being able t友筆o launch the Turn去麗key solution which occupies視外 half of market share 業事.

    為在   &n黑間bsp;   會哥   &紅綠nbsp; Spreadrums good fortune i坐嗎n the TD-SCDMA market 裡河is grabbed by Media Tek . In答醫 the second half of 說好2012 , Media Tek launched TD-SC但日DMA mobile phone chips . By t話習he end of 2012 China Mobile南頻 collected 9 sorts of the mo微湖bile phones in which there were 民黑4 sorts of prod地睡ucts made by Spreadrum . Media Teks t錯我aking part in promotes the ra海亮pid development of TD-SCDMA industry . 章會In year 2013, the sales of TD樂票-SCDMA mobile phone reached訊車 1.55 million , about 2麗多.5 times of the 60 mi慢爸llion in year 2012 .Media Tek話舞 makes the larges一和t contribution.

    &nbs照坐p;    &n鐘費bsp;   &如明nbsp;  厭都  Spreadrum in the WCDMA marke就妹t showed its power . Media Tek in 201到暗1 released WCDM又公A chip MT 6573 chip supp唱但orting its Android system and won視數 10 million sales in th線坐at year . In 2012 , it rel科放eased heavy volume木舊 and increased largely to 110照熱 million . The WCDMA chip launch多嗎ed by spreadrum was much later than年技 that of Media Tek .化事 It began to lau個書nch its first WCD用靜MA chip until ye新用ar 2013. However,工技 spreadrums WCDMA chip is 爸笑mature in technology and ul靜慢tra low priced 家醫, entering into the Samsung procureme視對nt list . Besides , Spreadrum數外 also cooperated wit麗南h the local mobile p數舊hone brand MICRO MAX in Indian market .體錢 Naturally , Spreadrum chips ar視木e also adopted by d又睡omestic mobile phone . In th年通is case Spreadrum shipment has a 線短rapid growth . Accordin睡放g to strategy anal山制ysis data , to the f厭錢irst quarter of 2014 , the 美工shipment of Spreadrum in服科creased quickly ,surpassing in地朋tel and ranking 木會the third in global baseband marke對跳t .

      裡分;    道林;     Huawei and影錢 Haisi have powerful technology.

   &n件在bsp;     &nbs來好p;  &nbs愛厭p;  As the worlds largest tele紅費com equipment manufact話到urer , Huawei of course has s多火trong mobile communication techn也冷ology accumulation , which 美用helped its development in th年熱e mobile phone chip market . Early嗎廠 in 2005 , Huawei and Haisi laun匠城ched a WCDMA baseband , and used it i什不n their own LAN products  four民票 years earlier than WCDMA chip ma林光de by Media Tek . Due to the dem能他erits of Huawei外有 and Haisi  in proces算湖sor technology , H日鐵uawei and Haisi have f還一ailed to show their power in mobile pho商一ne chip market .

   &nbs年校p;  &nbs長低p;   &nbs數船p;    In year 2012 睡問, Huawei and Haisi launched K3V2 quad 老放core mobile phone chip which at tha照風t time was known as the wor笑算lds smallest quad core西物 A9 architecture processor .問金 Its performance then was equ看房al to the mainstream processor such影她 as Samsung Orion Exynos 小她4412 . Although there are i樹我ssues such as givi的購ng out heat and GPU compatib慢山ility , it still can be regarded as a拍會 successful chip , represen場在ting Huaweis techno低唱logy breakthrou中物gh in technology.

    &nbs費習p;     &nb化友sp;     In year 20鄉唱14, Huawei and Haisi had bre商秒aking out in technolog紅亮y , first releasing Hai算媽si Unicorn 910 chips ,subsequently火短 releasing Unicorn 920 chips .風廠 Unicorn 920 was 見好tested by Bunny and won the tit舞市le of scoring king , mak雪章ing Haisi be amazed with a s河錢ingle feat .In addition , the baseband在這 of this phone chip suppo藍些rts LTE CA 76 technology . It is the w答她orlds first mobile phone chip supportin就事g the technology . It was rel們就eased one month earlier th文媽an overlord  不坐Qualcomm. Media Tek s黃志upported  LTECA 76 為筆technology to the second half業習 of this year and Spreadru高爸m said it would do請物 this until next year .

   &nbs員金p;     到金
