Who will laugh last in 我西4G chip hegemony車這?
分錯 &nbs厭訊p; The falling spee跳歌d of 4G mobile phone i鐘聽n China is double that in 3G era . 你相What role the price&nb頻麗sp;competitor will p白跳lay . We hope not to dr門近op the price ,bu行報t also reduce the quality ,&n花大bsp; therefore , manufacturers 火南and consumers do not get benefits .
&nbs身報p; With Spreadt麗暗rums 4G mobile pho電紙ne chip being upgr雪又aded into a single chip s國都olution scheme , plus Union Co科地res developing new 4G mobile ph村動ones single chip hand in h山大and with Millet 吧錯, in year 2015 , a situati裡地on of tripartite confront術服ation situation which consists of Qualc兒兒omm , Media Tek a朋愛nd Marvel is broken 短請and become five strong師呢 hegemony war of 4G mobile phone chip .光現 Although Qualcomm will still dom在鐵inate mainland 資麗Chinas 4G mobil學吧e phone chip mar答冷ket , in the face技跳 of Media Teks adva好兒ncing step by step , a器吃dding Marvell ,司學 Spreadtrum and Union Core playing th朋雜e role of chip price kill信資er , practitioners expect有習 one after another that in year 花拿2015 , 4G mobile phone chip p身算rice defense line wi兵街ll continuously retreat and during t文慢he first half of this yea一煙r , it will fall t音看o $7-8 broken plate price .
 水通; &n光影bsp; &n冷腦bsp; Mobile phone suppl爸不y chain practitioner said , in 分事the short term Qualcomm 不高would still stick to the high師們 grade 4G mobile能土 phone market . Med照就ia Tek and Maxwell w他窗ould walk in the middl著如e and low grade 4G mobile phone zo器刀ne . As for Spreadtrum an爸河d Union Core , they will l我很aunch attach from low grade 4G mo身見bile phone market . However, in 2015可很 , there will be還笑 changes in overall mob輛問ile phone competit來懂ion situation ,綠黃 jointly to make the chip f見外actory be immersed into a ta跳城ngled war . The price war wi電什ll become more intense . T兵北he Taiwan based 員音IC design practitioner pointed out司員 the average price of 4G mobil她拍e phone was afraid to fall back to th如林e level of RMB 1000-1500 Yuan , w廠那hich would make th靜多e boundary of lo人朋w ,middle and h暗裡igh grade mobile phone inc校月reasingly blurred . To grab the c說喝lients order , the chip快歌 offer of chip suppl土年iers for 4G mobile是鐵 phone is afraid not to make the a山舞rea difference clear 離微, which will invisibly speed up 放術the falling speed of the 4日西G mobile phone chip price . 人林
&雨林nbsp; 影坐 &白話nbsp;  高光; I家鐘n fact , from t跳媽he point of view that 自鄉in the second half of year 2014 , 去他Qualcomm took the lead to launch 什好the entry level 4G mob錯們ile phone chip price war . The late校物st competition strategy of the l我師eader in chip market has grad子學ually become not to yield a step 秒文mode , without making compet資你itors have too much market growth spac他匠e . Plus in 2015 , Spread身吃trum and Union Core will fully particip議嗎ate in the war , the p我技ractitioner expected 老和that Media Tek and Ma藍長rvell would a和來lso follow, making efforts t放錢o press down the chip price , w女土hich would make the new 妹木army in 4G mobile phone chip market fa物商ce the dilemma where there was個章 a shortage弟嗎 of profit growth momentum . 費章
&nbs做計p; &nb請請sp; 錯些 聽電 IC des南物ign practitioners thought because窗匠 each 4G mobile phone chip ven快制dors took price war stra自鐵tegy , in the second half費間 of year 2014 , 4G 很美mobile phone chip solution bro窗慢ke $10 gateway . In 2015 , it again朋請 fell the defensive price lines one aft音都er another . In the first half of this子了 year , it could fall below $7-8&n弟友bsp; broken plate price .
&nbs了懂p; &nbs可窗p;  年街; &n吧森bsp; It 科還is worth noting that 4G謝匠 mobile phone chip market in main市數land China has become the lif制風e elixir for the domestic and fore服費ign chip suppliers . If compared冷拍 with the market growth and pr業新ice trend of the past 3G 拍月mobile phone chip and 空村chip solution scheme , the和章 practitioners expe頻票cted one after another this w小物ave of 4G mobile ph火森one chip market c用好ompetition in mainland China w公綠ould be muc視費h worse . The fal木地ling speed of 4G mob如讀ile phone chip quote男雪d price is double that 3G mobil子離e phone chip .
&nb科微sp; &nbs來時p;  藍離; &n道著bsp; Facing the situation w鐘錢here the investment amount of 4G m家媽obile phone chip prod文有uct line is huge , while the 務些falling speed of chip price is quicker 中藍, in year 2014 , Broadco化長m announce that it had firs間房t faded out of mobile p中醫hone chip market . In 20生車15 , chip industry practitioners雪線 are likely to replay the ex作爸it drama . Besides刀飛 , vertical and horizontal allianc會男e actions may appe海說ar among mobile phone factorie們身s , which will m錢理ake the global mobile phone chip m兒得arket territory continue to報現 present the unrest 也愛situation .