Security industry ushe好章rs in spring : the market size of year 2山愛015 is expected to reach 500 billion舞報 Yuan .
1、Security industry driven by 照輛muliple factors .
&nb和鄉sp; &nb得山sp;Chinese market of saf明外e city is huge . In year 2011, the ma知亮rket size of safe city is ab開化out 80 billion Yuan, accounting for 30%關司 of the domestic sec森大urity market , but during the period 離術of "the eleventh five year 裡都plan" , the security project of 資高our country is still in its 兒從infancy . For example, the electroni公村c police system covers only t白去he first tier cities . 話見The second and third tier 拿場cities are still based話事 on artificial enforcement兒動 , per capita camera installation書頻 proportion being still very low . In "技訊the twelfth five year plan" period ,計算 the construction of safe ci匠腦ty will be spread out full時下y in accordance with the three間動- logic .
&nbs刀東p; 舞如 &nbs商校p; The security building of th那物e second or th唱個ird line city and rural are南道a will become the還花 new blue ocean in the有分 rapid growth of些做 security business很件 during "t明家he eleventh five year plan長動" . In "the eleventh f喝黑ive year plan" period雜呢 , safe city in some c票著ities is spreading o聽美ut fully and has achieved sig河厭nificant effect .Driven by demonst還制ration effect in these regions 男哥, security needs金知 in the central and 唱匠western provincial, deputy p對爸rovincial cities and the eas還的tern coastal cities are beginning to i做喝ncrease ,its s放家cale so big not bein風匠g inferior to the eastern coastal科大 provinces and cities . As林暗 the public security awaren文好ess is being raised , the prov公離incial safety bu錢雨ilding is promoted from po低一int to surface ." safe countryside"不空 construction wi低妹ll blossom in the provinces of 近黑China everywhere . For ex科吃ample , Hubei province p錢計olice department r討鐘equires that 100% 窗山of all the towns in the provinc子離e complete  錯報; the construction of 低裡video dynamic monitoring system呢唱 in 2012 and rural defense c去讀overage rate rea火和ch 100%.
 大為; &nbs舊飛p; &是道nbsp; &nb醫長sp; The first tier citi唱和es upgrade and rep車鐘lacement demand . Safe city pr不綠oject is a very large a關訊nd complex system engineering . At業吧 present , most of the first tier c作讀ities have only c快鐵ompleted the initial construction 又南. The problems facing inc錯車ludes the density of secu舊就rity equipment needs to b場頻e raised , equipment compatib城做ility needs to be improved and the外刀 degree of inte弟工lligent equipment needs to be eleva呢一ted . Therefore ,術拿 the security system still has a lo拍術t of room for im讀妹provement . The demand for upgradi公讀ng the system of firs河鐘t tier cities and山睡 replacement will become a major driv城飛ing force of security industry d謝小evelopment during "the twelfth fiv資河e year plan" period .
&nbs黑民p; 開是 &nbs裡朋p; &nbs謝體p; Key 友答projects start fully . During 雪煙" the twelfth five year plan慢電 " period ,major public projects such 呢女as "safe city ""strengthening police&n媽睡bsp;construction enginee煙體ring by science and technology ""31請來112 project " etc工哥 will continue to int動下ensify the implementation force .&nbs請女p;Ministry of public security w哥一ill enter the overall stage of裡畫 promoting 3111 pilot project 少制, direct investment approaching 100呢小 billion Yuan .
文著 &nb月資sp;  去要; &nb還火sp; 數銀 Industry application 算吃needs .
 熱鐵; &司她nbsp; &nbs科裡p; &n為坐bsp; The successful use of如鐘 security products and the grea嗎現t value it creates will promote醫的 the deepening in the appli制那cation of secur身窗ity products in variou什機s industries . In "the eleventh five紅到 year plan " period , the governmen員匠t is still the main force理河 of security industry , occupyin銀人g about 43% of the 金道;total output value ,occupying ab分鐵out 51% of industry 機冷application and being 你風significantly lower than that of t快身he average level in the world . Du街吃ring "the twelfth f金舞ive year plan " period , the industry村慢 application of C用算hinas security product w高兵ill appear surrounded by fl也自owering prosperity .
上來 &nb裡舊sp; &n機有bsp; 為員 &nbs南聽p; &n錯服bsp; In add內學ition to the traditional a黑市reas such as finance , transpor會報tation , telecommunication , electri道科city etc , Chinas security product 說歌will maintain fast dev年爸elopment .It will d少時eepen the application in the fiel輛路d of medical , education and other什外 fields . 中房
 喝著; &房媽nbsp;  家街; &n開的bsp; &nb西服sp; Domestic mar畫城ket demand
&nbs資體p; &nbs美器p; &nb錯科sp;  事月; Security application have be匠厭en shifted from the traditional pu也亮blic places , the 拿我vital parts, industry uses , business u個數sers etc to safe city , digital 還南city , emergency數海 management , environm件樹ental security , information sec問服urity , social home security and o得門ther areas , but舞劇 the civilian market is far from爸她 outbreak . In 201暗現1 , the value of China拍姐 civilian security market was clo輛票se to $14.4 bill歌舞ion , but only accounted for 6% of the 但購gross output value . In the leading se木冷curity market such as the United Sta森機tes , civilian market value accou村日nts for more than 50% o爸為f the total wort大文h , while the world average is司高 about 10%.&nbs服光p;
 的雨;  友道; 年輛  白海; In addition , Chines和紙e per capita security product 老可spending is far behind th站費at of Europe , the年山 United States , Japan and other deve姐些loped countries , being 1內朋/9 that of the United Kingdom , 1有作/7 that of the United State船話s and 1/5 that of Sout中冷h Korea which China compared with&nb玩唱sp; a big gap .
&土鐵nbsp; &們裡nbsp; &nbs小熱p; &nbs機農p; 2.&n熱黃bsp;Security industry mark女話et capacity forecast爸用 analysis .
和可  術紙; &nb中綠sp; In 2011店事 , the market sca銀藍le of Chinese se間店curity industry reached 269.6 billion Y我們uan , an increase of 19.82% comp睡習ared with that of the previ鐵章ous year . From 2006 to 2011議煙 , the security 廠技industry size increas森路ed from 120 billion Yuan to 269.6 billi畫物on Yuan , a compound growt靜少h rate of 17.61% .Considering the ri的老sk of uncertaint影冷y about the future, a conservative es人鐘timate will be taking 1自弟5% as the minimum c學去ompound growth rate in t討著he next five years .
&nb但商sp; 大間 &nb湖知sp; &兵劇nbsp; &nbs來醫p; Actually , after票就 2011 , safe China constru行南ction entered into the overall 湖音advance stage . The overall inve車費stment approaches 100 billion a物議nd the industry will in 日新"the twelfth five years pl舊呢an" period enter into the 音計peak period of construct雨店ion . Due to the different early ma時長rket penetration of various segme那玩nts , the market dem算北and is expected in the future 5 y東地ears show 20%-80% growth ra數謝te and the overall an著兵nual growth rate will remain at arou影男nd 20% . Therefore , we take 20% of g器輛rowth rate as the highest 志不compound growth rate in the nex山說t five years . According to estimate ,知在 in 2012 , the lowest scale of讀事 Chinese securit白朋y market is 310 billion Yuan見村 , while the maxim懂綠um scale will reach 32吧他3.5 billion Yuan . By 校章2015, the lowest scale of Chines美報e security market is 471錯船.5 billion Yuan , the maxim外女um will reach 559 bill冷村ion Yuan .