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The shipment of the tablet comput工冷er will exceed 答我that of the traditional PC
The release date:2快有015/5/6 14:26:36
     化慢;    媽兵;   花那;    &nb拍空sp;     &暗風nbsp;   The shipment of the裡作 tablet computer will exceed that 拍地of the traditional PC

  &在了nbsp;    &大煙nbsp;    &n錢高bsp; It is expect跳懂ed that in the year慢很 2014, the shipment of the tradit現們ional personal PC 跳行, tablet computer and smart mobile 作友phone will reach 2.4 billion un看理its .

安卓設備銷量上升 明年平闆出貨量將(jiāng)超傳統PC

It is expected that &一關nbsp;in year 2015, the shipment of t嗎外ablet computer will exceed 得林that of the tradi樂上tional PC .

   北道;    &n和中bsp;  聽知   &n時技bsp;   According to th場現e latest researc呢報h report in 2015, Andr了懂oid sales of equi街術pment will increase stead說到ily  and t讀學he estimated shipm船關ent of the traditional愛對 PC  will sl藍大ow down . It is expected that美他 the shipment of tabl但如et computer will ex對說ceed that of the tradi飛站tional PC .

   &n服要bsp;  司路   區業;  &n票的bsp;   器答The latest report display廠身s that it is expected that in the year地章 2014 , the shipment of traditio這綠nal personal PC ,tablet computer an海城d smart mobile phone腦裡  will reach 2.4 billion un資雨its . In the 2.開筆4 billion , intell從門igent mobile phone and tablet木腦 computer occupy about 88%木電 of the share , among wh高兵ich Android system equ去時ipment has the majority , a year -on-y店笑ear increase of 快和4.2% compared with that of yea我亮r 2014 .

     &nbs車麗p;   &n熱個bsp;  &費車nbsp;   It 中懂can be seen from &n少了bsp;the existing data林家 that Android  syste草筆m equipment  whose shipment is th長線e sum of iOS equipment ranked seco訊但nd and Windows ranked third . It is exp子西ected that this year the sal間草e of Android system equipment  re劇媽aches 1.168 billion which is far more笑女 than the 0.8989 billion units黃煙 ranked second .

  &nbs水長p;    &分年nbsp;   些從    It is expec快近ted by year 2015 , the shipment of And低視roid equipment reaches 1.37問地1 billion units . 哥化In contrast , the growth in iOS e時刀quipment looks much slowe海志r . It is expected that 市習by year 2015, the shipment of iOS e文費quipment will reach 0.2715 bil從地lion units .

     雨木;     志科     Another int事算eresting phenomenon is that 見美; it is expected that in year 2相很015 the sale of tablet comput師劇er will eventually replac兵學e that of the tr著區aditional personal computer . In the pa兒黃st few years , 是多the tablet computer has場能 a very strong momentum of develop裡歌ment . Data shows that it is e音見xpected in year 20民媽15 the sale of ta知什blet  computer will eventually計子 replace that of 計票the  personal computer . It is exp門錯ected that the sale of perso看志nal computer in y家現ear 2015  will drop to 0.2616 bi都坐llion units , while the sa身花le of tablet com地就puter is still on the rise .

      我草   &nbs農開p;    


