The tablet market友家 growth is continuing to slow do歌師wn
The release date:2015/4/2厭歌4 11:49:24
The tablet ma地錯rket growth is cont都東inuing to slow down
&n開但bsp; 金我 &nbs愛熱p;Market data s雜大hows that following the slow develo銀機pment in 2014, tablet computer marke吧要t demand in 2015 will continue to de劇他celerate . Growth will遠章 still slow down . It is 山她expected that in 2015 the global t報紙ablet computer sale will
reach 0.233 billi知鐘on units , compared with t下生he growth rate of 8% in year 20森站14 .
&nbs服時p; &窗子nbsp; &nbs西年p; &嗎對nbsp; Although in the past two問唱 years the global tablet computer 子師has achieved two digi風老t growth , from the beginning of但頻 last year , the market has been城影 shrinking . There are ma日城ny reasons leading to the decli機暗ne of the data , one of whic你木h is the life span of the草銀 tablet computer is prolonged , t討月he family can share a pie小化ce of equipment and sof人工tware upgrade can also make區視 equipment keep up wi業玩th the trend . Another筆刀 reason is the lack of innovation in t樹爸he hardware level , which does not st林放imulate consumers purchase d生動esire .
&歌票nbsp; &照我nbsp; &nbs明民p; &n黃紅bsp; We exp美術ect cognitive computing will improve 白樂relations between consum綠紅ers and manufacturers那快 . The latter will evolve f開議rom passive hardware provider into 好微synchronization with users . Speaking多東 of personal cloud ,we find算爸 it not only pro中跳vides the user 看光with experience quality calculatio區校n , but also helps 做年to improve the personalizatio舊對n of the customer relationship and aut暗她omatic customizat短體ion of service and advertising .
&nbs國我p;  電店; &nbs現視p; In 2015 , the shipment of g場討lobal computing equipme從不nt will reach 2.5 billion u站日nits , a year-on-year 開見growth of 3.9% . Amon友請g them , the traditional PC is expecte短輛d to be 0.259 billion&nb內會sp; units, ultr銀懂a mobile equipment 62 million units ,城做 tablet computer 0.233 billi還數on units , mobile phone信我 1.91 billion units&工得nbsp; , other mixing and flip 靜少equipment 9 millio事下n units .
&n費拍bsp; &nb金飛sp;  鐘他; 和姐 In addition , shipment of sma多票rt phone market is likely 吧草to rise 3.7% , which is expected to cl司在ose to 2 billion . Smart mobile phone 朋區market is develo數媽ping in two extreme dir校信ections : high end an影內d low end . In 2014, high end男志 mobile phone whose sale p妹事rice is 447 dollars is dominated紙討 by iOS . At th好明e same time , Android and gr要著owth in other open 些山system are mainly c日大oncentrated in the low 計師end market whos事說e average selling pri商多ce is about 新開$100 . As for middl短書e end market , the marke做年t opportunity is more and more務外 limited .
&nbs會村p; &新男nbsp; &作工nbsp;  化理; Thanks分家 to the stability of PC m行制arket , Windows systems gr街你owth in 2015 will exceed iOS . The ne理的xt generation of iphones算化 target of achieving growth will a些吃lso face greater challenges .學就